welcome to
Sant Pushpa inter college, Deoria
[ Affiliated to the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations, New Delhi. ]
A Special Note to Parents...
- Parents are advised not to allow their children to bring expensive articles not required for daily use to school.
- Tape recorders, electronic games, mobile phones, radios, walkmans, laptops,CDs or electronic chips sets should not be brought to school and are liable to be confiscated.
- Parents shall not go to the class rooms during the School hours nor call their wards out of the class. In case of any necessity they shall contact the office.
- When a student is likely to be absent owing to illness for a long period, the Principal must be informed of it through a written application for leave supported by Medical certificate within the week. Failure to do so will result in the child’s name being removed from the school roll.
- The Principal or the teacher may punish a pupil for habitual idleness, disobedience or misconduct, indiscipline, not preparing the lessons etc. by suspension or removal without assigning any reason for the action.
- Criticizing the teachers in the presence of the student must be avoided. In case of a legitimate complaint, the Principal must be contacted.
- Children must be trained in self-reliance by encouraging them to work and study. They should be taught to keep their rooms clean and tidy, make their own beds, polish their own shoes, carry their own bags, etc. The formation of such habits early in life will inculcate in them the dignity of work which is the fundamental necessity for a successful career. Parents are expected to co-operate with the school authorities and to play their part by enforcing regularity, discipline and study habits in their children.
- Parents must occasionally meet the Principal and the teachers concerned for better relation of staff, studentsThe School authorities are not responsible for the safety of the student after the school hours as well as outside school campus. Necessary arrangements must therefore be made to take children home immediately after the class and guardians. Attendance at the Parent Teacher Meeting is a must .
- Parents are requested not to enter the classrooms or interview the teachers, much less tell their servants to do so. All dealings must be conducted through the Principal. Servants will not be permitted to remain in the school premises during class hours.
- Parents are requested not to give any money to the children unless they receive a written notice from the school. Children should be provided with Tiffin, so that they do not have to buy any eatables at all from way side vendors.
- Any communication (request or complaint) made by parents should be addressed to the Principal and not to the Class Teacher. When thus communicating with the Principal, the parents are requested to mention in those letters the name and class of their children.
- Parents will see that the child takes this hand – book to the School daily.
- It would help the School greatly if parents could make sure that:
1. No appointments are made for their children during school hours.
2. Children come to school regularly, punctually and neatly dressed in regular uniform.
3. Their children have proper hair cuts.
4. Students maintain and bring the required texts and exercise books to school.
5. Homework is done regularly.
- Parents are also requested to:
1. Sign the notes written by the teachers in the school.
2. Write down their own remarks in the School diary for the information of the teacher.
3. Glance through the books, note-books and answer papers of their children.
- The school accepts no responsibility if-through failure in wearing School uniform, bringing books to class, getting signature of the parents on remarks written by teachers or not paying the fees in time- the student is obliged to return home during class hours.
- No school business will be transacted during the holidays or outside the school hours.